Audit Insight offers an automated solution for managing, monitoring, and mitigating operational risk. Our application conforms to all CQI-8 requirements and allows you the flexibility to create your own audit checklists.
Seamlessly manage your Process and Error-Proofing audits with the following capabilities:
- Automated scheduling and tracking of audits for your entire organization.
- Flexibility to add/remove/modify audit questions in real-time with automated revision tracking to help track the impact of changes as well as integrate customer feedback and complaints into your auditing process.
- Mobile auditing allows users to record observations, identify and address non-conformances, initiate corrective action, and suggest improvements directly from the manufacturing floor.
- Assign Champions and target dates to open non-conformances or improvement ideas.
- Automated email notifications bring issues and corrections to your management team in real-time and provide escalation for past due corrective actions and improvement implementations.
- Control the permission level of each user based on their functional responsibility.